Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sign Up!

We (Carson & Alan) are doing a beer trade, where you bring a case (24 beers) of any craft brew that costs $40+ per case.  After the beer trade you will have a case of 24 different beers all for yourself! Leave your name and beer you are bringing in the comment section of this post. If you don't have a Google account, just chose anonymous and leave your name within the comment.

Event- Saturday, April 5th 4:00-9:00 PM
Address- 1301 Riverview Rd. Dauphin, PA 17018
Admission- case of beer for swapping and 2+ bombers/big bottles or rare/special beers for sharing/tasting.

You must deliver case of beer for bottle swap prior to the event.  This is to ensure everyone follows through.  Please make arrangements to drop it off at the address above or Alan's house.


  1. I am bringing a case of Starr Hill Double Platinum Imperial I.P.A Thanks again for the invite Carson.

  2. I'll bring Weyerbacher Merry Monks for my case.

  3. 3 more cases confirmed:
    1) Duclaw- Hell on Wood
    2) Evil Twin- Ryan & the Beaster Bunny
    3) Weyerbacher- Camelopardalis

  4. I'll be bringing Dark Horse - Too Cream Stout for my case.

  5. More cases:
    1) Fat Heads- Head Hunter IPA
    2) New Holland- Mad Hatter IPA
